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electron mass中文是什么意思

用"electron mass"造句"electron mass"怎么读"electron mass" in a sentence


  • 电子质量


  • Use of electron mass instead of the reduced mass to calculate the ground-state energy of the hydrogen atom gives -13, 606 ev, which is in error by 7 parts in 13, 000 .
  • The positions of certain wavelengths in both cases depend on the proton - to - electron mass ratio
  • Use of electron mass instead of the reduced mass to calculate the ground - state energy of the hydrogen atom gives 13 , 606 ev , which is in error by 7 parts in 13 , 000
    用电子质量代替折合质量去计算氢原子基态能量给出- 13606电子伏,误差是13000分之7 。
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